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Physical Therapy Software - Part 1
By Nitin Chhoda

The main advantage to physical therapy software is the application of a system approach to your business. Establishing a system, will allow you to keep track of every aspect of the business and maintain consistency for you and your employees. It allows you to focus more on therapy rather than the menial day to day details that can be easily organized and managed by a good quality physical therapy software.

A quality physical therapy software should have the capacity to keep track of patient progress with notes on evaluations, progress, and discharge summaries. It should also be an effective communicator of information amongst the therapists and staff within the clinic as well as easily transmittable to other health care providers and colleagues.

Another key function in physical therapy software is the ability to electronically bill the health care provider. In doing so, you are able to submit outstanding bills and allow for the payment process to occur faster. This billing feature will automatically coordinate all key information of the patient and file it all together to keep track of all records and transactions.

The software should be complete with billing codes and payment tracking. Ease of coding and submission will allow your staff to organize and code the outstanding bills and at the same time keep track of any rejections or payments from the various insurance companies. Bill tracking is a great feature to monitor the income status of the clinic, as this is the bread and butter of your physical therapy practice.

Record keeping and easy access is another key factor of a good software system. General accessibility of patient files amongst therapists allows for greater exchange of ideas as well as keep track of treatment sessions conducted by various therapists in the clinic. This open format and easy accessibility allows for concise record keeping which is a requirement especially for legal purposes, where the injury is part of a pending court case.

The software's scheduling feature should be the most streamlined and easily accessible feature as, it will be one of the most often used feature. After all, if you can't book your patient in, you won't have anyone to work on and thus no income. Another good feature of scheduling would be to keep track of callbacks, patient updates and special notes for the patients.

A quality physical therapy software will be the key component of a thriving physical therapy clinic. By applying a systemic approach to your practice, it will organize and streamline the different aspects of the business from scheduling, keeping track of patient records, electronic billing, and tracking payments. A standardized system allows for therapists and employees to easily adapt to the system and have everyone working together with greater efficiency. A practice that is more efficient is also more profitable and easier to manage.

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