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Marketing Physical Therapy Part 1
By Nitin Chhoda

Marketing is a component of physical therapy that is as important as the therapy itself. Your physical therapy practice's success will be based on how many patients you see and the income generated. Being the best therapist in the world will not necessarily make you successful. You need to let people know where you are and what you do.

Helping people recover from their injuries is the easy part of you practice. You've studied the different techniques, stretches and various therapeutic modalities to get you ready to face any ailment or injury that presents to you. But if you don't let people know that you are in the area or what services you can perform, then you will not have any patients to work on.

Make a plan, every week set aside half a day to develop and implement marketing ideas. By scheduling and setting aside the time for marketing, you will have already taken the steps towards increasing your patient load. Write down your plans and set a time and date as to when the task will be completed. Make the plan and put it into action.

Increase your profile in the community by volunteering at local events or make presentations or speeches to sports teams, and schools. Introduce yourself to the different doctors in the area to make them aware of what you do and where you are located. Periodically, make your presence known in the community so that people are more familiar with you and your practice, so when the time comes that they need your services, you will be remembered.

Market to your patients by informing them through light conversation about the ailments and injuries that you had success with and how people have been feeling after their injury. This polite conversation is a way of letting the patients know that you are able to help with various ailments and if they know anyone that has any of those problems or injuries, you can be of help to them.

Try to develop a personal relationship with your patients by creating a warm friendly atmosphere of trust and comfort, so they will be able to recover from their injuries and ailments. Ask your patients for their feedback and any suggestions they may have, to help you provide them with better service. When the patient's feel that they are being heard and feel that level of comfort with the physical therapy clinic, they will be more readily to refer more patients to you. Remember, patient satisfaction will always have them talking about your clinic and what a good physical therapy center you have.

Market the benefits of the services that you have rather than just describing the services themselves. People are more concerned with the bottom line...will they get better and how fast. If you provide them with that information and educate and guide them towards that path to recovery, they will be empowered as well as grateful to you for helping them get better. In doing so, they will have only good things to say about your physical therapy practice and spread the word on your practice.

Find a niche in your therapy and market that exclusively, to allow for your specialization to be noticed. Once, you establish a market of specializing in a particular technique or treatment, you can charge more money and be able to gain a reputation in the community for having great success with that ailment and make that your specialization.

Be one of a kind, get good results, establish a good rapport with your patients and most of all inform everyone about what you do and where they can go to see you. By doing these simple things, you can really establish a successful physical therapy practice that will help many types of people.

Private practice is an attractive way to go when it comes to practicing physical therapy. There are obvious benefits to doing it this way, however, it takes more than just therapeutic techniques to successfully run a private practice. What most therapists overlook is the fact that there is a business side to their profession and that acquiring a few basic business skills are necessary to achieve their objectives.

Nitin Chhoda has a blog on physical therapy marketing. Get a free audio program on how to market your physical therapy private practice at his blog, only available to the first 100 visitors.. His physical therapy newsletter can change the way you market your clinic, and is available with an unconditional 30 day money-back guarantee.

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