

Balance and Strengthening For Ankle Sprains

The ankle is the most common site of sprains in the human body. An ankle sprain can occur when you least expect it. It is most likely to occur after a sudden, unnatural twisting of the foot which results in a ligament tear. An injury like this affects every aspect of your daily life, most notably your ability to walk and drive.

The symptoms of an ankle sprain vary depending on the severity. Tenderness, bruising, swelling and stiffness are common. Walking can be painful.

Athletes tend to suffer from ankle sprains, owing to the sudden, explosive and rotational nature of most sports. This requires a course of physiotherapy and strengthening before the athlete can return to competitive sports.

Unfortunately, once an ankle has been sprained, it is at a much higher risk of re-injury.

Soccer players, basketball players, tennis stars, marathon runners, and other athletes can get caught up in the cycle of injury and recurring sprains. The good news is that physiotherapy can play a preventive role. With the right program of balance and strengthening exercises, the risk of injury can be minimized.

Treatment of Chronic Ankle Sprains

Strength and balance exercises to restore muscle strength and balance in the foot is the best way to recover from injury and reduce pain associated with the injury. Strength training utilizing the muscles that turn your foot in (the invertor muscles) and turn your foot out (the evertor muscles) may lower the incidence of ankle sprains.

Balance intervention training involves an assortment of progressive exercises. A physiotherapist will design a simple, effective home exercise program to improve stability in the foot and ankle region.

Depending on your needs, you physiotherapist may recommend balance training using a 'balance board', which is an excellent way to stabilize and strengthen the muscles in the foot.

Physiotherapy for Ankle Sprains

If you spend several hours a day on your feet, you may be at risk for an ankle injury. Excess body weight and improper body mechanics can also play a role in a painful sprain, and you want to do everything possible to minimize the incidence of injury.

That's exactly where your physiotherapist can help you. If you want to strengthen your ankle and minimize the possibility of an ankle injury, all you need is an evaluation, followed by a simple balance training program from your physical therapist. Depending on your age, gender, body weight and fitness level, your physiotherapist will design an effective ankle stabilization protocol for you.

Call us today to schedule an appointment. We’ll not only treat you for any ankle injuries, but we’ll teach you an exercise program to minimize the risk of injuries in general. We look forward to helping you, and are committed to your injury prevention and wellness goals. 

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I felt better almost immediately. I had never experienced physiotherapy before and was pleasantly surprised by it all!
-Winnifred W.S.,


Prompt effective treatment. Friendly personnel. Highly recommend.
- Irwin S.,



My back pain eased up.
- Julie S. ,




For the fourth consecutive year, our clinic participated  in National Denim Day to raise support in the battle againt breast cancer. This year, on May 15th, we raised $183.50

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